
Apply for a 2025 Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholarship by 18 August.


Lynsey Stratford, 2021 Scholar

David Eade, 2021 Scholar

Ben Anderson, 2021 Scholar

Daniel Eb, 2021 Scholar

John Foley, 2021 Scholar


Stories from the year of living precariously

Nuffield NZ 2020 Scholars – Tracy Brown, Ben McLauchlan, Phil Weir, Edward Pinckney & Shannon Harnett share their four deep insights from their ‘year of living precariously‘ at the 2021 Nuffield Awards Ceremony – November 2020. Click here to find out more

Phil Weir, 2020 Scholar

Ben McLauchlan, 2020 Scholar

Shannon Harnett, 2020 Scholar

Tracy Brown, 2020 Scholar

Ed Pinckney, 2020 Scholar


Hamish Murray

Research Topic:
Future farm workplaces

Hamish Marr

2018 Scholar Presentations

Turi McFarlane
Solis Norton

2018 Scholar Panel Discussions

Panel Discussion:
Kate Scott & Turi McFarlane
2018 Nuffield Scholars Kate Scott & Turi McFarlane discuss their research insights.

Listen to the podcast

Panel Discussion: Simon Cook,
Andy Elliot, Solis Norton
2018 Nuffield Scholars Simon Cook, Andy Elliot and Solis Norton discuss their research findings.

Listen to the podcast

Panel Discussion:
2018 Nuffield Scholars

Opportunities within New Zealand food & fibre sector in a post-Covid world.

Listen to the podcast







Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​