Kellogg Testimonials

…Takeaways from this programme are expanding my network to include industry leaders, business owners, policy makers and people who are passionate about future-proofing our industry.
– Jordi Hoult
I’m doing the programme to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of NZ’s food and fibre sector. It’s given me the confidence to take a bold step in my career and leadership journey.
– Dave Nuku
Things I’ve learned from Kellogg include the importance of people—developing those connections either in the industry or amongst those who sit alongside you…
– Whitney Conder
I’d definitely recommend the Kellogg Programme to farmers or anyone in the industry who’s passionate, wants to learn, and grow their career opportunities.
– Harry Wilding
Jordi, Dave, Whitney & Harry
2024 Kellogg Scholars
…I highly recommend the course for anyone keen to grow themselves as a person, as a leader, build up their networks in the sector and gain a springboard for moving forward.
– Jesse Brennan
…It’s been a fantastic course to be able to develop more of my strengths and meet a great bunch of people that I’ll stay in touch with throughout my career.
– Lisa Lunn
The programme has given me insights into the primary sector and very useful networks throughout the industry…
– Wyatt Johnston
I’m walking away with a backpack full of tools … and a whole lot of leadership skills to utilise in my professional career.
– Esther Donkersloot
Jesse, Lisa, Wyatt & Esther
2024 Kellogg Scholars
…to say I’ve learnt a lot is an understatement. It gave me a clear understanding of what great leadership looks like and gave me the confidence to be outside of my comfort zone too.
Ultimately, I learned the value of connections within our industry as well – where they can take you and what they can help you achieve. Some of the connections that you make on the Programme will absolutely last a lifetime.
You will come out of the Programme with the drive to make change in your industry as well and be part of the solution.
I can’t recommend it highly enough. It is a true investment in your future.
Fraser Dymond
2022 Kellogg Scholar
…for me it was a real game changer. I learned what it can look like to have positive influence in the primary sector, both as an individual and also as a leader.
I gained an understanding of what really good leadership can look like. I also learned so much about effective communication, how to listen well, ask great questions, and how to get a point across.
You will be pushed outside of your comfort zone to a place where real growth happens, and you’ll learn more about yourself and about others… Most importantly, you’ll make some real amazing connections for life…
I really can’t recommend Kellogg enough.
Jen Corkran
2023 Kellogg Scholar
I’d recommend the program to anyone in the primary industry looking at continuing their leadership journey.
There are countless benefits and the main one would be developing cross-sector relationships. This gives you an insight into industry issues. Other benefits include improved public speaking, critical thinking, understanding of geopolitics, and having access to industry leaders.
The research project also opens a lot of doors, and it allows you become to become an industry expert in a certain area.
If you’d like to further your leadership journey, then I’d suggest applying for Kellogg today.
Richard Dawkins 2023 Kellogg Scholar
Completing the Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme was an inspiring journey. Scholars from a variety of roles and career stages added a wide range of perspectives and ideas.
Rural Leaders were supportive and made the time within phases structured, and the time between informed. The strengths of the team behind the programme are phenomenal, and it would not be the same without them.
The friendships we formed within our cohort are strong and will stand the test of time, through job changes and life stages. Everyone on the course develops as an individual and as a group to form the leaders of tomorrow.
Sonja Vreugdenhil
2022 Kellogg Scholar
To have the opportunity to work solely on understanding yourself, your drivers, and your biases is a hugely beneficial process and one that the Kellogg Rural Leadership course facilitates brilliantly.
The high calibre of insightful, critical, and intellectual presenters means that you are immersed in knowledge, and the hardest part is trying to absorb it all. The tips and tricks you will learn are invaluable at this time of disruption and change.
The Kellogg Rural Leaders course is a real asset to our industry, and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an opportunity to grow.
Matt Carroll
2022 Kellogg Scholar
Older Kellogg Testimonials
Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.