Who is this programme for?

The Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme is for individuals who are passionate about developing as leaders and who wish to contribute to their community and industry.
We particularly encourage applications from farmers, foresters, fishers, growers and agribusiness professionals.
Every cohort is a careful mix of leaders from industries across the Food and Fibre Sector to allow wide perspectives to be shared between Scholars from in front and behind the farm gate.
If you have:
- Passion and motivation to be a leader of change – in your industry, community or business
- Appreciation for different perspectives in solving problems
- An understanding of the challenges on both sides of the farm gate
- An interest in critical thinking
- An interest in design thinking.
If you aspire to:
- Understand your leadership style and how to better lead teams
- Gain an understanding of political advocacy (and how to influence decision making)
- Grow your knowledge about the rural economy
- Build industry wide networks and friendships (developed through the course)
- Develop a cross sector understanding
- Learn more about leadership in the food and fibre sector
- Take on leadership roles in your community or industry.
Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.