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NZRLT Privacy Policy

Rural Leaders website privacy policy statement.

Last updated – October 2021

The New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust keeps minimal personal information from you. Examples include: your name, your contact information, any programme participation, or study intentions you may have, any preferences on the type of information you wish to receive from us. 

We collect and hold this information to keep you updated about our programmes and to improve the functionality on our website. We do not pass this information on to third parties except as necessary to carry out our business, at your request, or by some legal request or process. We never sell your personal information. 

Providing information is optional. However, if you choose not to enter any, or some contact information, we may be unable to provide you with any, or some communication updates. 

You have the right to ask for a copy of any information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, contact us at

Extended terms of use and privacy policy.

Last updated – October 2021

Please read Rural Leaders’ extended terms of use and privacy policy.

The New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust (Rural Leaders) terms of use relating to information and content contained on the Rural Leaders’ website, within communications, and marketing. 

Acceptance of terms. 
By using this site or receiving emails from Rural Leaders, you accept these terms. If you don’t agree to these, please don’t use the site, or opt out of receiving emails by contacting us at 

Updating or changing this site. 
From time to time, Rural Leaders will update information and resources contained on this site and reserve the right to make changes without notification. 

We endeavour to ensure the accuracy of any information on this site or email you receive from us. Rural Leaders make no guarantees as to the accuracy or reliability of this information and accept no liability or responsibility for any errors in the content of this site, any email or email attachment. 

Use of site content. 

You are permitted to download content for personal use only, provided any trademark, copyright notices, or author’s name, remain unchanged and visible. No rights, or interest in downloaded content is passed to you by downloading or copying.  

Scholarly report disclaimer: 
Any academic reports, articles, documents, or scholarly content held on our site remain the intellectual property of the author. Rural Leaders act as custodians of this content.  

The reports held on the Rural Leaders website are not intended as formal academic reports. These publications have been produced by scholars in good faith, and based on information available at the date of publication, without any independent verification. Information, and sources may be hidden or protected to ensure confidentially. 

Readers are responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content of this publication. Neither Rural Leaders, any programmes, or any scholar can be held liable for costs incurred or arising from use of the information in this publication.  

Reports are copyright, but dissemination of the research in them is encouraged, providing the author and any organisation cited are clearly acknowledged. If the intention is to share through a media outlet or publication, permission must be sought from Rural Leaders first.  

Scholar contact details may also be obtained through Rural Leaders for any media, speaking or research purposes. 

Links to others’ websites. 
For Rural Leaders site visitor’s convenience, this site and emails we send may link to other sites or material owned by third parties. These sites will have their own privacy and data policies. We are not responsible for the content on any linked sites. Rural Leaders make no guarantees on the accuracy of material within these sites. 

Third party services. 
Rural Leaders use reputable, external service providers to conduct its business, including but not limited to site hosting, email platforms, digital and IT services. These providers will have their own privacy and data policies. Your information may be accessed on behalf of us by authorised third parties (such as third-party providers listed above) to the extent that is necessary, for example for them to administrate or work on the site.  

Unlawful use. 
As part of the terms of use, any information contained in any email sent to you by us, or from any use of the site, you will not use the content or information for any unlawful purpose. 

Limitation of liability. 
Under no circumstances are we liable for any direct or indirect damages from any use of information contained in this site, or in any email sent to you by us, including damages for lost profits or data. 

We offer no guarantees for a particular use or purpose of any content or information on this site or any emails we send.  

We take no responsibility for any loss, liability, damage or claim of any kind resulting from errors on this site or any email we send to you, or either’s content. This includes any third-party websites or content directly or indirectly entered through links on this site or any email.  

You agree to defend, indemnify, and exclude us from any claims, damages, and costs, arising from your use of this site or any information you receive from us. 

The images, marks and written content contained on this site are either our property or a third parties. These items may not be copied, displayed, reproduced, without permission – unless for personal use. See section ‘Use of this site’. 

Privacy policy. 
The type of information we receive from you on our site depends on the information you provide to us through forms and through any registration of interest or any application process.  

Rural Leaders use your information to provide you with information about our programmes and our business. This may also include marketing material from time to time. 

We use the information you provide to personalise your online experience too, optimising and improving our site. Any information you provide will be retained only for as long as is needed to meet the objectives of the collection purpose. We do not share personal information with third parties except as necessary to carry out our business, at your request, or by some legal process. We never sell your personal information.  

If you have questions about your personal information, or you would like to opt out of any correspondence from us, please contact us at 

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy our website, please contact Rural Leaders at or send mail to:  

The New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust
PO Box 85084
Lincoln 7647
New Zealand.