Apply for a 2025 Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholarship by 18 August.

2022 Nuffield reports

Data sharing to achieve data interoperability

We are in the information age where access to and control of information is a defining characteristic of the current era. New Zealand’s agriculture sector is increasingly being asked to provide data and information to governments and consumers. We need to find a better way of collecting, managing, and using this information on our farms as part of the decision-making process and for this we need data interoperability and data sharing of systems. #Letsdothistogether

New Zealand Dairy trade and market expansion opportunities

As an agricultural export dependent country, the New Zealand economy relies on its trading markets to return valuable revenue from the food the fibre sector. It is an opportune time for New Zealand to explore a replicable trade model, to extend trade into geographic regions through applying a gateway city model.

Vocational pathways from the grassroots up

Aotearoa, finds itself in a moment of profound transformation, where uncertainties and new prospects intertwine. This juncture offers a truly unique opportunity for vocational pathways within the primary industries to align themselves with the ever-evolving demands of the industry and deliver meaningful outcomes for all whānau (families) and hapori (communities).

Primary Sector Insights Reports

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​