The search for our 2025 Nuffield Scholars begins.

Just 189 Scholars in nearly 75 years.

The Nuffield network in New Zealand is a small group, doing big things, humbly. We’re looking for our bold, grounded and community-minded to step up as Nuffield Scholar 190, 191, 192, 193 and possibly 194. 

If you’re ready to undertake a truly unique learning experience. If you are ready to give back to your community, industry and sector, Nuffield is for you.

Nuffield is a unique learning experience.

A Nuffield Farming Scholarship is one of the most valued and prestigious awards in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Food and Fibre sector. Nuffield is part of a global food network promoting global vision, leadership and innovation.

The Nuffield global network provides scholars with access to international leaders and the best production, management and marketing systems around the globe.

You can read more about the Scholarship by downloading the 2025 Brochure here.

Six attributes of a Nuffield Scholar.

The scholar selection process will look for evidence that these attributes exist or have the potential to emerge in an applicant.


The will to step forward, to challenge conventional thinking, to act, to make decisions with confidence. 


Someone who can develop and express original thinking and ideas.


Driven to go above and beyond to accomplish a goal. Someone who can find the energy and confidence needed to do so. 


Possesses the cognitive, observational, and critical thinking abilities to assess challenges and generate usable insights.   


Motivated to contribute to community by collaborating and sharing skills, knowledge, experience, and ideas, forging ever-stronger connections with people and place. 


The practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth people in the Sector, ready to get things done.

Sound like you – or some you may know?

Apply by 18 August here, or refer someone in your network below.


Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​