Value Chain Programme 2025. Applications close 17 Nov. Apply Now…

Apply for Value Chain Innovation Programme 2025 by 17 November. Full details…

The Rural Leader

Brought to you by

Rural Leaders New Zealand

April 2021

Message from the CEO:
Chris Parsons

In the last few weeks, I’ve had the privilege to join with the DairyNZ Environment Leaders Forum in Wellington, the Dairy Women’s Network Awards night in Taupo and the Good Employer Awards hosted by MPI and AGMARDT in Parliament and Ian Proudfoot’s Agri Agenda discussions.

What has really struck me is that in every instance, Kellogg and Nuffield Scholars were either organising, leading, award finalists, were recipients or their insights and research were referenced in discussion. 

There is a whakatauki that goes Ma Nga Hua Tu Tangata. By our actions we are known.

As the current custodian of the gift that is Nuffield and Kellogg, I thought I’d take this moment to acknowledge my predecessors and all our scholars who are innovating, influencing, and impacting our country and our communities.

Congratulations Belinda!

Our very own 2018 Kellogger Belinda Price  is this year’s Dairy Woman of the Year. She won the award in competition with another Kellogger – Rebecca Miller!

Congratulations to you both and we look forward to your next successes!

Listen to the interview Belinda Price gave for The Country

New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust:
New Appointments

Welcome to Ariana Estoras, New Independent Trustee

We are pleased to announce that Ariana has recently been appointed to our Board of Trustees as an independent member. She brings a wealth of experience in policy, economic and research roles in public and industry organisations across the agri-food sector.

She has a passion for Maori prosperity and motivation to work for the betterment of Aoteaora New Zealand achieved through innovation and new research in the primary sector.

New digital marketing appointment – Denitsa Stoeva

Denitsa has been working alongside our team as a freelancer since 2017, supporting the CEO and the Marketing Manager with all the digital marketing initiatives and creating promotional campaigns for both Nuffield and Kellogg. This month we made it official and she is now a part-time employee.
Denitsa has 15 years marketing experience in the digital space in New Zealand, six of which with a particular focus on the primary sector. She also has extensive experience working for the non-government sector, both in New Zealand and her native country Bulgaria.
Feel free to contact her with great stories and ideas for feature materials in the Rural Leader at or 21 205 69 472.

Nuffield News

2022 Nuffield Scholarships -
who would you like to shoulder tap?

Preparations are underway for the 2022 Nuffield Scholarship campaign, which will be officially launched on 1 June 2021.

As we do every year, we appeal to you all, our Nuffield and Kellogg alumni and industry partners to think about who in your networks has vision and enthusiasm and would make a great scholar. Please make sure you shoulder tap them and take the time to share your experiences with them to light the spark.

Applying for Nuffield is not a quick decision and requires commitment, so the earlier you identify a potential scholar and start talking to them – the better the chance for them preparing a strong application.

Nuffield 2021 Biennial Conference | Wairarapa

If you haven’t yet registered for the conference, please do so before Sunday, 9 May 2021.

Click here to register

Please phone Desley on 027 429 6735 if you have any questions

To book accommodation at the Copthorne Solway Park Hotel at the special negotiated rate of $155 per night, you will need to phone the hotel on (06) 370 0500 and give them the group reference number #71062.

Future of the Agri-food sector
Prof. Dorian Garrick

Dorian Garrick began his research career at Massey University after a B.Agr.Sc (Hons) degree. He did a PhD at Cornell University in upstate New York, then returned to Massey University and developed new across-breed approaches to evaluation of our dairy cattle that led to the BW system. He was appointed Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics at age 34. 

After 15 years working at Colorado State and  Iowa State Universities, he returned part-time to Massey University in 2016 as Chief Scientist of the AL Rae Centre of Genetics and Breeding at Ruakura.

Over the years he has enjoyed hosting a number of Nuffield scholars from various parts of the world – on his small deer, sheep and cattle farm when he lived in the Manawatu, or at his homes in Colorado or Iowa. Dorian now spends most of his time in the Bay of Plenty.   

Future of the Agri-food sector
Dr. Keith Woodford

Keith Woodford consults as an agri-food systems specialist through his own company AgriFood Systems Ltd. He holds an M Agr Sc degree from Lincoln University and a PhD from University of Queensland. Keith now holds honorary appointments as Professor of AgriFood Systems at Lincoln University and as Senior Research Fellow at the Contemporary China Research Centre at Victoria University, Wellington.

In a long career, Keith has worked in more than 20 countries across all continents including Antarctica, specialising at various times in farm management, agribusiness, rural development, agricultural economics, agricultural science, human nutrition, the integration of all of the above into agri-food systems, and even mountain guiding. 

Kellogg News

2021 is shaping up as an amazing year for Kellogg. We will have two Lincoln-based courses and one regional course in Northland – the first of its kind. All of them are fully subscribed. We have a great mix of people, representing all parts of the country and a wide range of industry experience and expertise.

Don’t forget to share through your networks the 2022 Kellogg opportunities and encourage potential applicants to apply. We always happy to take early applications.

Kellogg 2022 Course Dates
Lincoln Course 1 – 25 January – 8 July 2022
Applications close: 14 November 2021

Lincoln Course 2 – 21 June – 2 December 2022
Applications close: 17 April 2022

Kellogg Course 43 update

In April the scholars from course 43 completed their second phase in Wellington.
The Wellington week is traditionally dedicated to presentations and meetings related to expanding their understanding of the inner workings of Government and gaining greater insights into the political and economic macro environment, decision making and policy development in New Zealand.
Our Kelloggers had the opportunity to hear from Vangelis Vitalis, Deputy Secretary for Trade and Economic and New Zealand’s Chief Trade Negotiator for the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. They also had a session in Parliament with the Minister of Agriculture Hon. Damien O’Connor.
Instead of question time, the Kelloggers were privileged to be present in Parliament during the acknowledgements of HRH Prince Philip’s passing which was very special.
The Trust also held a networking event for our current Kelloggers and Kellogg Alumni in the region, with over 70 people attending.

Kellogg Northland Course starts in May

We are really pleased to have our first regional course begging in May 2021. As you already know, it is in Whangārei. The curriculum will be similar to the Lincoln-based courses, but with a particular focus on regional issues and an exciting line up of presenters who will deliver content and discussions of both national and regional importance.

We would like to acknowledge AGMARDT for their support for this initiative and their invaluable assistance in making this regional programme possible.

Alumni in the Spotlight

2018 & 2020 Kelloggers, Rebecca Miller and Brent Miller were finalists at the Primary Industries Good Employer Awards under the category Employee Development Award. Rebecca was also a finalist for the Dairy Woman of the Year.

Congratulations to both of them and we are sure we will hear more from them in the future as this is not the first recognition for their work and leadership! Well done!

Cam Henderson (2019 Nuffield Scholar) was recently featured in the Farmer’s Weekly article – Voice for Farmers.

“With environmental and sustainability issues at the fore, it can be difficult to keep up and have a firm understanding of rules and regulations, but Canterbury farmers are being given a helping hand, with one lending his voice to other farmers and working hard to help them stay ahead of freshwater regulations… >> click here to keep reading

Leadership opportunities

General Manager

Key accountabilities in this pivotal role will be to provide leadership across the industry through being an influencer in thought leadership on food and fibre future trends and building strategic relationships and networks that allow collaborations across the sector.

Find out more about the position and how to apply >>

Two roles – KPMG Propagate

We are looking for people who are aligned in values, passionate about the food and fibre sector, and bring energy with different ways of thinking based on their experience.

Find out more about the Manager position >>

Find out more about the Advisor role >>

News from our investing partners

Sustaining success – strategies for NZ dairy farmers to continue leading the world.

In May, all farmers nationwide will be able to join two interactive webinars, showcasing the event’s economic insights and scientific solutions.

Click here to find out more and register.


FMG Young Farmer
of the Year 2021


Save the dates!

The completion is in progress now and the finals are on 1-3 July 2021 in Christchurch.

See who is the finalist for your region on their website.


AGMARDT General Manager stepping down

“We’re disappointed to lose his steady hand, but Malcolm is leaving AGMARDT in great shape for the future.”

Malcolm will officially step down in August. Read the full press release here.

The position is currently being advertised here.

Industry news

The Nuffield Farming You Tube Channel

Find a wealth of knowledge in our Nuffield Reports Library and Nuffield YouTube playlists about agritech, global markets, farm safety, developing people and much more!

Click here to go to their YouTube channel –

Nuffield Framing You Tube Channel

The Knowledge Hub Podcast - 'Science on Farm'

The Knowledge Hub Podcast presents episode 7: Science on Farm with Richard McDowell discussing “What is being done to support and lead change on a farm level?”

Click on the image below to listen to the podcast or visit to check all the episodes (scroll down the page to find all the episodes in this series).

Call to all scholars: Update your details

Rural Leaders are updating our Scholar’s records to further develop the search functionality on our website. The aim of this work is to make it easier for people to search for Scholar Research Reports on our website and to keep up to date with any new innovations, ideas and work being undertaken within the primary sector by our Nuffield and Kellogg Alumni.

Please spare a few minutes to update your details below to let us know what you have been up to recently.

To update your details

Click Here

To update your details

Click Here

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​