The 2025 Food and Fibre CoVE Research and Insights Forum.
The 2025 Food and Fibre CoVE Research and Insights Forum showcased crucial projects delivered throughout the last year, that have helped address the challenges our sector faces, specifically around workforce talent, the pace of change in technology and uncertainty.
The two-day Forum got underway at Wharewaka in Wellington yesterday, with Rural Leaders’ CEO Lisa Rogers in attendance.
The following is a summary of the excellent posts (and photos) from Food and Fibre CoVE.
Day One.
The Honourable Andrew Hoggard opened and shared his vision for advancing a thriving skilled food and fibre workforce while Shamubeel Eaqub gave the economic realities and implications for NZ as a trading nation – a lot of it good news.
A session ‘Talent for our Future’ followed and brought the Skills Framework to life. This was conducted by Kathryn Koopmanschap, Nicky Murray and HTK Group’s Neala Rosandich.
The Skills Framework focuses on a skills-first approach encompassing: mōhio (understanding). mātau (expertise) and mārama (enlightenment).
Alongside this, a Te Ao Māori Skills Toolkit has been developed as a guide and support for learners, employers and providers.
View the Skills Framework toolkits here: Food and Fibre Skills Framework.
Forum goers also heard about the Secondary School Transitions and Pathways to Vocational Education, Training, and Employment project from Josh Williams of Skills Group.
To view the policy review by Josh Williams and Arthur Graves, or for more on the project, click here: Secondary School Transitions and Pathways to VET and Employment.
The second session captured a key range of projects focussed on workforce retention. Adam Barker of Scarlatti on insights looking into the possibility of coordinating New Zealand’s seasonal workforces between sectors and regions.
The final report is due to be published shortly.
Emma Boase of PwC New Zealand profiled the Employer Toolkit that has been developed for the ‘Retaining our People – Food and Fibre Retention Pilots’ project.
This toolkit for supervisors, managers and employers developed alongside industry provides free online information for better workplace wellbeing and culture, Māori cultural confidence, mentoring and more.
Head to to see this valuable work.
Sector snapshots from Dr Lesley Petersen included a sneak peek into the Aquaculture New Zealand mentoring and coaching pilot programme and the results from an impact evaluation of Mr Apple New Zealand Ltd’s internship, called Growing Future Horticulturalists. Both these pilots provide learning and guidance to take programmes like this to other food and fibre sectors.
Moerangi Vercoe and Daniel Wallwork of Muka Tangata Workforce Development Council shared the Te Haumako – Māori Workforce Development Plan recognising the significance of Māori agribusiness and growing demographic within food and fibre, with the opportunity to enhance qualifications and training that work for Māori.
You can read more on Te Haumako here:
And connecting much of this work to leadership development is the Food and Fibre commissioned leadership project with Rural Leaders. The most recent report in this project, ‘A Path to Realising Leadership Potential in Aotearoa NZ’s Food and Fibre Sector’, was available to those attending.
Day Two.
Session three ‘Integrating Technology’, exploring the potential emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence has for food and fibre.
Dan Browne and Hamish Webber of Indelible – Creative Studio with CoVE’s Dr Lilla du Toit looked at how technology can advance learning and training capability, with AI researcher Dr Jace Hargis from Orlando on current possibilities.
Delegates gave new tools a go too – including an immersive experience on keeping safe when moving stock. 3 pilots to test the technology are underway with Beef + Lamb New Zealand, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and DairyNZ.
Take a look at a report exploring the possibilities of emerging technologies for NZ food and fibre by Skills Group, here: Investing in Emerging Technologies: Gamification, VR and AI Research project and pilots.
The Scarlatti team’s Phoebe Gill and Julie Moularde spoke on two key projects including AI in assessment practices that are accessible for learners and providers.
Delegates were also introduced to Food and Fibre CoVE’s interactive Online Excellence Framework Scarlatti and Skills Group have done to bring the Rubrics and its ‘superpowers’ to life.
In Session four – a panel line-up spoke on positive disruption for the future of food and fibre VET. Grace Moscrip Josh Williams and Lisa Rogers, CoVE Board member Cheyenne Wilson and Chair, William Beetham who reflected on the learnings of the Forum’s two days – shaping a VET sector for the ever-evolving future-focussed food and fibre sectors of New Zealand.
Food and Fibre CoVE’s Chair William Beetham provided an update of Food and Fibre CoVE’s Future Directions Initiative, working with our stakeholders and PwC New Zealand on what comes next.
Have your say on what Food and Fibre CoVE’s focus should be beyond 2025. Click here: Food and Fibre CoVE Future direction