Rural Leaders – the big moves in 2022.

Here’s a look at some of Rural Leaders’ big moves in 2022. 

The first Value Chain Innovation Programme. 

We completed the first Value Chain Innovation Programme. Twenty-two food and fibre professionals and producers took part in this immersive one-week tour of key North Island value chains.  

Everyone came out fizzing. It was refreshing, exhilarating and it changed mindsets. Everyone wanted to replicate the experience and insights on a larger scale. How could we scale it to tackle the large issues confronting NZ primary industries?” stated Prof. Hamish Gow, who co-facilitated the programme with Phil Morrison. 

There are plans afoot to repeat the programme in 2023 – this time with a South Island version. 

Visit the programme page.

The busiest Kellogg year in its 50+ year history. 

When the tough gets going… yep. We knuckled down to deliver five phase three’s, four phase two’s and three phase one’s. If our maths is correct that’s twelve phases for 2022, when a ‘normal’ year would see six.  
This was in part because Rural Leaders, in partnership with Whanganui and Partners, delivered the second regional Kellogg Programme.  
Despite flipping to a hybrid experiential-digital delivery model – the previous two years saw a number of interruptions from Covid, so 2022 was often about catching several programmes up. 
A silver lining here, was the graduation of the 1000th Kellogg Scholar.  
Thank you to the Scholars for their commitment and to the Rural Leaders’ Management, Facilitation and Academic teams. It’s been a big year for Kellogg. 

Nuffield international travel. 

We don’t want to dwell on Covid, but there was some catch-up to do on our Nuffield Scholars’ travel plans too. 2022 saw the completion of three year groups’ international travel. The logistics work required here is substantial, even on a ‘normal’ year. 
Thanks to plenty of hard work, Nuffield Scholars managed to put quite a few dots on the map. We are sure the fruits of this exposure to leading agricultural thinking will pay dividends to food and fibre in the future. 

2023 Rural Leaders Agribusiness Summit announced. 

Many alumni and much of our team is involved in organising this landmark event for Rural Leaders.

We’re not going to add much else here, except to say – book your seat today. Head to

We were finalists. 

We made finalist in the people development category of Beef+LambNZ Awards. We didn’t win but it was great to be acknowledged alongside many other passionate and hardworking enterprises in food and fibre.

Stepping up the academic and impact tempo.

Accreditation of the Kellogg Rural leadership Programme saw a full year of applications across the five graduating cohorts. In all around 90% throughout the year signed-up for accreditation. 
The Mckenzie Study’s Kellogg piece has just been completed. We’ll share some of the findings on the impact Kellogg Scholars have made in the New Year.  
We’ve pulled together a two-page summary of 2021 and 2022, that also features some of the big moves made by our Scholars in the Food and Fibre Sector. 

Take a look at the key impact statistics below or download here. 

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​