The Board of Trustees for the New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust, responsible for governing the Nuffield Scholarships, Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme, the Value Chain Innovation Programme, Engage and the HortNZ Leadership Programme, wish to appoint an Associate Trustee.
This governance development opportunity is open to all Rural Leaders Alumni.
The Associate Trustee will have the opportunity to:
- Sit on the Board and gain greater understanding of governance processes under an experienced Board.
- Provide input into the development of some of the leading rural leadership programmes in New Zealand.
- Provide insights and perspective as an Alumni of the programme(s).
The Role
The position is included fully in all Board activities, events and meetings.
The Associate Trustee is expected to fully contribute to all Board discussions and actions as if they were a Board member of the organisation and attend events associated with the role. However, the role has no voting rights.
The Associate Trustee role is open to Alumni of the New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust who completed their programme between 2019 – 2024, inclusive.
The term of appointment is for a twelve-month period (May 2025 – May 2026), which provides an opportunity to cover a full year of operations.
There are seven more Board meetings this year and several events. Most events are held in Christchurch or Wellington.
Flight and accommodation costs are covered, where applicable.
The Board meeting schedule for 2025 is:
- May TBC (Online)
- July 9 (Christchurch)
- August TBC (Online)
- September 10 (Wellington)
- November 3 (Wellington)
- December TBC (Online)
- January/Feb 2026 (Christchurch)
- April 2026 (Wellington)
There is no remuneration or payment, however all direct costs (such as flights and accommodation where required) relating to meeting attendance, will be met.
Confidentiality and Conduct
On appointment the Associate Trustee will be asked to sign a confidentially agreement.
Although the position is not an appointed Trustee of the New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust, the appointee is expected to adhere to the code of conduct of a Board member.
The Associate Trustee is expected to comply with any reasonable directions of the NZRLT concerning their role.
Interested scholars should forward their application by 24 March 2025 to Lisarogers@ruralleaders.co.nz
Applications should be in writing, with a CV and a covering letter with the following;
- The reasons for applying for the role,
- What you expect to gain from the opportunity, including how the opportunity would contribute to your leadership goals,
- How you might contribute to the Board’s skills, experience and perspectives.
Appointment process
An appointments sub-committee (a delegated committee of the Board) and the Chief Executive will consider all applications and provide a recommendation to the full Board who will approve the appointment.
The successful Associate Trustee will be notified by 10 April and will be invited to attend the May Board meeting online and subsequent meetings and events.
For any questions please contact:
Lisa Rogers, Chief Executive
Phone: 021 139 6881
Email: lisarogers@ruralleaders.co.nz