Heat Pump Pollen Drying.

Nicholas Woolsey Kellogg Report

Executive Summary

The project described in this report formed part of the Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme. It investigated the use of a heat pump in kiwifruit pollen drying in order to reduce energy use.

The author worked with a pollen producer to establish limitations in the existing conventional system, before researching and developing a concept that utilised heat pump technology.

Initial findings suggested such a system presents significant financial and environmental advantages that may be exploited by individual producers and industry bodies alike.

The recommendations were to:

1. Build a prototype pollen dryer using a Temperzone packaged water-cooled unit coupled with a reheat coil as per concept design.

2. Use the above prototype phase to gather more data, particularly around water volume requirements and heat transfer.

3. Investigate other potential sources of supplementary heat to provide further efficiencies.

Download and read the full report here

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