Mackenzie Charitable Foundation and Rural Leaders renew Strategic Partnership

The New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust (Rural Leaders) is pleased to announce the renewal of its Strategic Partnership agreement with the Mackenzie Charitable Foundation.

The Foundation’s desire to assist in the amplification of entrepreneurial and emerging leaders in the food and fibre sector finds significant alignment with Rural Leaders’ purpose of growing world-class leaders for our country.

To this end The Mackenzie Charitable Foundation undertook research alongside Rural Leaders, in collaboration with Otago Business School and the Department of Economics, to investigate the contribution of Kellogg and Nuffield Alumni to Food and Fibre.

This report, a world-class evidence base, measures the within-person gains in entrepreneurial leadership capability that occurs because of participation in the Kellogg and Nuffield programmes.

You can download the Mackenzie Study here. 

Pictured above is Don McFarlane (MNZM, JP), Mackenzie Charitable Foundation Trustee and 1981 Nuffield Scholar, and Lisa Rogers, CEO, Rural Leaders.

Mackenzie Charitable Foundation background.

The Mackenzie Charitable Foundation was formed in 1976 when brothers Alan and Don Mackenzie made the decision to leave their estates to the community of Mid-Canterbury.

Both brothers were diagnosed with cancer in the mid-1970’s and it was then that they decided to leave a legacy to the community they had lived in and loved so much.

The Foundation assists the province of Canterbury in Agriculture, specifically in the areas of research, development, education and training, and expansion of the science and practice of agriculture.

The Foundation supports Cancer Research, treatment, provision of equipment, and education and training. It also supports young people that may have challenges that put them at disadvantage to their peers.

We are proud to be working with an enterprise that has given, and continues to give so much to Canterbury, its communities and people.

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​