Kerry Worsnop, Matt Iremonger, James Allen and Kylie Leonard – 2023 Nuffield reports.

(Image. Left to right: Kerry Worsnop, Kylie Leonard, Matt Iremonger, James Allen). 

After over a year of immersion within the global Nuffield network; whether that be on the key programme milestones such as the GFP, CSC or on research travel, the 2023 Nuffield Scholars’ have completed their reports.

A brilliant group of people, a pleasure to spend time with and all great at what they do. Check out the report titles/summaries below or take a closer look at their reports here.


Here are the report summaries.

Kerry Worsnop – The mountain we need to climb. Designing agricultural policy for a future in farming.

Kerry’s report addresses those in leadership, agricultural policy makers and others with an interest in how we deliver better outcomes for those on the land and for the land itself. Kerry’s report hopes to bring into focus what we need to comprehend about our operating environment if we are to navigate agricultural policy well.

Go to Kerry’s report.

James Allen – Redefining excellence in agribusiness advisory. The role of the rural advisor in the modern world.

James’ report explores the challenges faced by the rural advisor in a farming world striving to feed an ever-increasing population whilst also reducing its environmental footprint. This report gives guidance as to how the rural advisor might continue to add value to farmers in this fast-changing context.

Go to James’ report.

Matt Iremonger – What’s the beef? Opportunities for beef on dairy in New Zealand.

Over 1.8 million non-replacement calves are slaughtered annually at 4-7 days.
Matt’s report looks at the opportunity for beef on dairy to shift the value chain from dysfunctional to functional.

Go to Matt’s report.

Kylie Leonard – Boots on the ground are part of the solution. Transitioning agriculture towards sustainability together.

A reduction of Greenhouse gases is being demanded through our value chains. Kylie’s report focuses on the need for farmers to be at the table of this change (not on the menu) in order to steer agriculture toward greater sustainability outcomes.

Go to Kylie’s report.

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​