Corrigan Sowman – 2016 Kellogg Scholar, 2019 Nuffield Scholar.
Corrigan is the owner, director, and business manager of the 400ha Uruwhenua Farms in Golden Bay, a family-owned dairy unit where technology is used to manage a large herd in a small herd way – especially in terms of attention to individual animals. He is a graduate of Massey University and has a Bachelor of Applied Science.
Corrigan is both a Nuffield and Kellogg Scholar who completed his Nuffield research on how to better understand the way pressure on farmers impacts decision making.
His Kellogg research looked at the critical success factors of an agriculture non-profit in knowledge creation and dissemination.
Corrigan is LIC Chair, succeeding fellow Nuffield Scholar Murray King, who says of Corrigan’s appointment, “He has a deep understanding of farming, its challenges and what farmers need both now and in the future in order to be more profitable and sustainable.”
He is a member of the Fonterra Sustainability Advisory Panel, a group providing independent advice to the Fonterra Senior Management Team and Board. He has been a former Consulting Officer with DairyNZ and a Farm Consultant with FarmRight, in Canterbury.
In the past Corrigan has been Chair and Independent Director of the South Island Dairy Development Centre (SIDDC), which operates the Lincoln University Dairy Farm. He has also been Deputy Chair of the DairyNZ Dairy Environmental Leaders Forum, an initiative fostering environmental stewardship and community leadership amongst New Zealand dairy farmers.
We look forward to seeing Corrigan continue to support work encouraging farm practices that strengthen the integrity of the food we produce.