Seeking applications for an Associate Trustee. New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust.

NZRLT Board and 2023 Scholars
Current Board of Trustees with 2023 Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholars, November 2022.

The Board of the New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust (NZRLT) is seeking applications for an Associate Trustee. 

This appointment is for 12 months starting February 2023 and finishing in February 2024. 

The NZRLT Board meets six times per year and holds additional meetings as required. The duration of each meeting typically runs to half a day.  

The NZRLT is seeking applications from Programme Alumni (Nuffield, Kellogg and Value Chain Innovation Programmes). 

Role of the board 

The Board operates under the NZRLT Trust Deed. Its role is to represent, and promote the interests of, the Trust and, thereby, industry investors and alumni. Having regard to its role the board directs, and supervises the management of, the business and affairs of the NZRLT including: 

  • Strategy. ensuring the NZRLT’s goals are clearly established, and strategies are in place for achieving them, 
  • Policies. establishing policies for strengthening the performance of the NZRLT including ensuring management is proactively seeking to build the business through innovation, initiative, technology, new products, and the development of its business capital, 
  • Performance. monitoring the performance of management appointing the CEO. 
  • deciding on whatever steps are necessary to protect the NZRLT’s financial position and the ability to meet its debts and other obligations when they fall due, and ensuring that such steps are taken, 
  • Fiduciary Responsibilities. ensuring the NZRLT’s financial statements are true and fair and otherwise conform with law, 
  • Standards. ensuring the NZRLT adheres to high standards of ethics and corporate behaviour, 
  • Risk. ensuring the NZRLT has appropriate risk management/regulatory compliance policies in place. 

In the normal course of events, day-to-day management of the NZRLT is left to management. All Trustees are expected to operate objectively in the interests of the NZRLT. The board is collectively responsible for the success of the NZRLT.  

As Associate Trustee your voice will be welcomed at the Board Table, but as a non-voting member you will not be required or accustomed to act or exercise controls and powers required of the permanent Trustees. 

Timing and location of board meetings, and time commitment 

The board normally meets six times per year and holds additional meetings as the occasion requires. The duration of each meeting typically runs to half a day. You will receive the board papers for the meeting by one week prior. 

In addition to routine board meetings, you should allow for preparatory work and travel, and ensure that you are able to make the necessary overall time commitment. All Trustees are expected to have carefully reviewed all board papers and related material sent to them for meetings. 


This is an unpaid role. However, the NZRLT will reimburse all direct and indirect expenses such as accommodation and travelling expenses, reasonably and properly incurred, and documented. 

To apply

Written application and CV should be emailed to Chris Parsons, CEO, NZRLT at

Or alternatively, feel free to email Chris to arrange a time for a confidential discussion. 

Applications close midnight, January 9, 2023. 

We look forward to receiving your application, and if successful, working with you to grow world-class leaders for our country. 

Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​