Nuffield International Contemporary Scholars Conference: March 2018, Zeewolde, The Netherlands

Photo: The New Zealand Continguent in Zeewolde, Netherlands

This year 80 Nuffield scholars from 12 countries met in the Netherlands, in Zeewolde an agricultural area around 40 mins from Amsterdam. The location as part of a marina apartment complex was ideal for group dynamics as it was some distance from the closest town, but across from a holiday park which had restaurants and recreation facilities. Despite the “Beast of the East” hitting with minus temperatures, spirits and social interactions were high. (Insert the photo of venue)
The diversity of the group was expanded with invitations extended to African, Japanese and other guests as well as the Nuffield International Scholars. The 2018 scholars followed the lead of the 2017 group and did a short tour together prior to the start of the CSC visiting organisations and attending events in France and the Netherlands creating a good bond and looking at things from a NZ perspective before meeting the wider group.
The following are the reflections of the Scholars of their eight days with different messages and sharing of insights picked up.
‘The Hunger Winter And The Evolution Of Subsidies’, Simon Cook
‘Strengthen Our Adaptability by Developing Collaborative Models’, Andy Elliot
‘The Future As We Know It’, Solis Norton
‘The Tiny Country That Feeds The World’, Turi McFarland

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