Anne Hindson: Update from the Management

Anne Hindson, General Manager

This will hopefully be the last E-Nuff in the current format, as we develop a new look e-newsletter which covers the activities of ‘Rural Leaders’ and includes updates on both programmes.

Much of what we want to say is relevant to both groups of alumni (some of who overlap) so the new E newsletter will have organisation updates with the option to click through to the latest Nuffield or Kellogg news including scholar reports, insights and updates specific to each programme or group of alumni.

Our ‘E-Nuff’ & ‘Kellogg Konnect’ will be retained for use when conversing with each group on a programme only basis.

We Need a Name – Win the prize!

We are looking for a name for our new Rural Leaders E Newsletter. Get your creative juices going and send in some ideas and win a prize and the honour of renaming our newsletter.

Send ideas to

Key Activities since last E-Nuff

A new initiative for 2019, 6 regions were chosen to host a Regional Alumni networking event, bringing together different cohorts and both Kellogg and Nuffield alumni.  With Napier/Hastings, Tauranga, Whangarei, Blenheim, Gore & Hamilton locations there was a mix of our smaller and larger regions.

The purpose of the initiative was to provide a vehicle for:

  • alumni to meet each other – across programmes & cohorts
  • reconnect with Rural Leaders & its developments as a new Trust
  • introduce potential new applicants to both programmes
  • hear the reports and experience of a recent Nuffielder and Kellogger from the region
  • investing partners regional reps to connect with alumni for B2B and network development

One of the highlights demonstrating the power and history of the programmes was in Waikato where we had an original Kellogger from Course 1 1979 and a current Kellogger from Course 40. Similar span of alumni years were also seen in other regions.

After fantastic feedback, despite the late timing of the events, the plan is to roll out the concept in 6 more regions next year.  Meanwhile we will work with each of the recent region hosts to determine a sustainable networking format for the future.

Feedback has been really positive about the benefits of networking and potentially providing some upskilling opportunities and/or providing a voice on some regional issues although in some regions we battle the problem of distance with some having to drive over 2 hours each way to attend a central location.

The recruitment of a full time marketing person will provide a much needed resource and ability to be much more effective with our external and internal communications and relationships and keeping the brand presence throughout the year. We hope to report our new appointment in the next newsletter in early December.

A board sub committee has been working with Scott Champion on refining our strategy and business plan over the next few years as we respond to market changes but more importantly work on developing and growing our alumni programme and influence.

Our 2020 Nuffield Scholarships have recently closed and the selection process is underway. This year we have a good number of female candidates with six being shortlisted so we hope that we can achieve a better gender balance this year.  The Awards will be held at Parliament, hosted by Hon Damien O’Connor, on 5 November (a relevant place to be on Guy Fowkes). Watch for the pre announcement email to alumni announcing the 2020 scholars.

The Awards will be preceded by a forum with the 2019 Scholars sharing their global insights and discussing implications for the industry with our investing partners & Trustees, hosted by KPMG.

The Nuffield2020 Triennial is gaining momentum with an updated programme released and registrations opening on 1 September. Check out the website here

We are really pleased to welcome some new partners who have come on board to support this international event alongside our existing Rural Leader investing partners. Check out the next Triennial EDM for the latest details & updates. The one day Summit is shaping up to be a great event and watch out for speaker announcements shortly.

The support of our New Zealand alumni to attend and host our international guests is critical to the success as we want to showcase some of our leading business models, on farm and environmental practices and agri tech to our international colleagues & guests.

Chair, Michael Tayler and the team are hoping all alumni will use the event to encourage reunions of your Nuffield cohort and international networks.

Upcoming Events

Kellogg Course 1 2020 Applications close:             14 October

2020 Nuffield Scholar Awards:                                  5 November 

2019 Scholar Insights Forum:                                     5 November

Kellogg Course 40 phase 3 presentations:             25-28 November

Nuffield2020 Early bird registrations close:           30 November

Anne Hindson

September 2019

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Our programmes work in partnership with some of New Zealand’s leading agribusiness organisations – click here for more.​